If you are planning your trip to see The Cobblers at Sixfields Stadium then the football travel guide is the perfect place to start. Find all the information you need about Northampton Town right here including competitively priced hotel and B&B accommodation, travel information, directions and matchday ticket booking details.
Hotels near Northampton Town football club
To start your seach for hotels near to Northampton Town football ground, Sixfields Stadium, simply put your games dates in the football hotel search box on the right and hit search.
Booking your Northampton Town match tickets
If you haven't booked your tickets for the big game, visit the Northampton Town website. Alternatively call the ticket telephone number on 01604 683 777.
See the Northampton Town website for further information about the game and access to the ground.
Northampton Town address and contact details
Northampton Town Football Club
Sixfields Stadium, Upton Way, Northampton, NN5 5QA
Ticket telephone number: 01604 683 777
General enquiries number: 01604 683 700
Route planning for car journeys to Northampton Town
Simply click on map on the image and you will be explore the area around Sixfields Stadium using the interactive map. If you are driving to Northampton Town and want a more detailed route, then use this route planner to save you time.
Travelling to the match
If you are traveling to the game by bus, coach or train buy your tickets online now so that you have a guaranteed seat. If you want to go by car but not take your own, why not hire one for the day.
Staying overnight near Northampton Town
Quality hotels with online booking
Simply use our search box at the top of the page to find hotels close to Northampton Town of visit The Quality Hotel Guide. Our search will give you a selection of great hotels, with photos, customer comments and the distance to the ground.
Find a local B&B or Guest House to Northampton Town
If our listed hotels are not quite what you are looking for, take a look at some great B&B and Guest House accommodation in Northampton. Find B&B's in Northampton >
Make a weekend of it - find self catering accommodation
Why restrict your football experience to one day? Book self catering accommodation for a weekend and enjoy everything has to offer. Self catering accommodation near Northampton. If a cottage, holiday flat, apartment,chalet or lodge is more your style then try cottages in Northampton
Holiday parks near Northampton Town Football Club
If you are looking for something a little different why not book in to a holiday park in the area. Particularly good for a group of travelling supporters, most parks have heated lodges and caravans that would be great accommodation whatever the time of year. Look for a holiday park close to Northampton Town.
Buy Northampton Town club merchandise at great prices
If you are looking for Northampton Town football shirts, a scarf, badge, book, calendar or other memorabilia then visit our store.
Fan Websites
Do you run a football club fan site and want to promote it here? It's free, just put a link on your website to us and let us know, we will then reciprocate with a link to your site from here. Is it worth doing... yes, google views highly relevant links such as this very positively.
Northampton Town summary information
Ground: Sixfields Stadium - a capacity of 7,653 (all seated)
Address: Sixfields Stadium, Upton Way, Northampton, NN5 5QA
Ticket telephone number: 01604 683 777
General enquiries number: 01604 683 700
Website: http://www.ntfc.co.uk/